Boozy Semi Fredo

I've been wanting to post this recipe for a long time now. Never having had a chance to make it I don't have a photo..  and seeing that I am about to embark of this more healthy sort of life style, I won't be making semi fredo for a while :)
Semi fredo is a sort of a creamy dessert that is frozen and can be adapted to whatever flavour or shape you can imagine. The basis always remains the same as in Plain Vanilla :)
This particular one stems from my Swiss/French granny and is a perfect dinner party boozy, delectable piece of culinairy heaven !


6 large eggs
200 g dark chocolate
200 g ground hazelnuts
1 cup castor sugar
1 Tbsp Nomu Vanilla paste
2 bakkies cream
2 tots of Kirsch or Brandy or Rum

Separate the eggs
Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater
Add the ground hazelnuts, vanilla paste and Kirsch and let this mix rest in fridge for about 30 minutes  for the flavours to intermingle.
Beat the egg yolks and sugar until light and fluffy.
Beat the egg whites until still
Beat the cream until stiff as well ( I know a lot of beating going on here ...:)

To assemble this gorgeous pud it goes like this:

First gently ( no more beating from now on Only Gently does it !) mix the egg and sugar mix under the choc/hazelnut mix.
Then fold in the cream (again gently in order not to let the air out !!!) and then even more gently ( I am now grinning a bit here) the stiff egg whites. Voila ! all done.

In Winter you can serve this cream as is for total and utter comfort dessert. In Summer you serve it as semi fredo. A nice way to do this is to either line a straight glass with baking paper to stand free about an inch above the glass, fill the cream and freeze for 6 hours. Before serving remove the paper and decorate a bit maybe with some raspberries on top. Another idea is to make a "bomb" by lining a round bowl with cling wrap , fill with cream, freeze and after removing from freezer arrange and decorate on a big plate.

That's it folks ! try it .. and if you don't like chocolate and booze, use berries  (some mushed and some whole). As I said..  the base of a vanilla cream always remains the same.


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