Mixed Grill

On Sunday I had family for lunch and decided to make something I had not made before and it turned out amazing. Weather was still yukkie in Stellenbosch ( where on earth is the sun????!!)
I had some pork fillet and some bacon  in the fridge and bought a pkt of thin not so fatty beef sausage.
First went to pick some strongish branches of rosemary , took the leaves off, leaving just the top ones on. Then scraped the bark and cut the end to a point .... making the perfect kebab sticks. Alternating bacon, sausage and pork fillet the threaded the kebabs.

Into a baking dish a gluck of olive oil and a good sprinkle of Ina Paarman's Rosemary & Olive spice all over the meat. Oven at 180 deg C for about 30 minutes. Turn the Kebabs over halfway through.

I had made earlier on some polenta the following way:  
2 cups water
1 cup milk
1 cup polenta

Heat the water/ milk mix and add the cup of polenta. Stir the same way you would be doing the local "pap".
When it has the right consistency ( smooth, not grainy anymore), add salt & pepper plus about 3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese. Take off the heat and pour the polenta onto a large plate so it ends up with a thickness of about 1cm. Let it go cold and set.

Stage 2 of making the perfect polenta goes like this :):)
Cut squares out of the cooled down set polenta. Heat a little olive oil in a heavy frying pan and fry these oh so nice little pieces until they are golden on both sides. ( don't move them around too much while this is happening or you will loose the crust).

Lastly I picked a bunch of baby spinach from my garden. The perfect way to get the best flavours out of spinach is like this:
Wash spinach and shake off most of the water. Heat a large pot with a splatter of olive oil. Cook the spinach with a closed lid for about 30 seconds ( to create steam). Take the lid off. quickly stir for no more than a minute. Take off the heat. Grate some fresh nutmeg over it (nutmeg brings out the flavour of spinach) .. salt and pepper ...  all done.

For dessert I made a skinny fruit cream ...

Into the liquidizer goes the following:

2 bananas
1 can of grenadilla pulp
handful strawberries
1 bakkie of fat free smooth cottage cheese
same amount of low fat yogurt
1 tbsp Advantage artificial sweetener

Blitz the whole lot up. Into a bowl, decorate with some fresh mint and berries and into the fridge for 2 hours.
One can obviously use all kinds of different fruit, but I would always include bananas to create the smoothness of the dessert. 


  1. lovely dessert :) I love using my rosemary stalks to close off stuffed chicken breasts. Have a super sunny day xxx


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