Ostrich Paprika Goulash

Thu 1 Jul 2010, 15:14      1 comment(s)    Report Abuse
yes I am doing an "over blog " today....  but its been a busy week and so had to catch up.

We have  been replacing eating beef (high cholestrol) with ostrich and I have to admit..  its just as good and definitely healthier on the waistline !. This  is another one for those on the run and in need to have dinner ready from start to finish in less than 30 minutes..Wink


1 pkt Ostrich stewing pieces
1 can tomatoe with chilli
1 can baked beans
2 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp smoked paprika
1 large onion chopped
2 garlic chopped
Couple of dashes steak flavouring (any kind will do)
½ bottle red wine for the pot…
Olive Oil
Brown meat in very hot pan
Add the onion and garlic and fry until onions are “glassy”
Add everything else on the list
Cook for 15 to 20 minutes

And that’s it ! quick, easy and non fat, low glycemic due to the baked beans and so very very healthy !!!

Serve with mash or if in a hurry microwave a couple of potatoes and serve them underneath the goulash.


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