Preserved Lemons


Last year I had the good fortune to travel  around Morocco with a bunch of wonderful women who have become friends. One of the specialties I have brought back with me is how to preserve lemons. With autumn here and my lemon trees once again bulging at the seams with ripe lemons I picked a few this morning and will show you just how easy it is to preserve them in order to make those wonderful tangines or use them in  many other dishes.

Cut of each end of a lemon
Then quarter them

Next make one layer  lemons into a glass jar
And over with coarse salt.

Repeat until jar is full and seal with a preferably a plastic

For the next 3 days open the jars and top them up with more lemon pieces and salt,  this until you cannot get anymore in.

Leave them to cure for 30 days. When you want to use them, rinse off in cold water and remove the flesh (tends to be bitter)

I will post a Moroccan Lemon Chicken recipe during the course of next week as well.


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