Sweet Potato Bread

I have a feeling that Spring has sprung ! Little by little the Japanese Flowering Plum outside my study has been trying to push open her blossoms ... - and yes it happened on Saturday !  here is the proof that Winter is on his way OUT !

..  and with the feeling of Spring, my fingers itched to finally bake this Sweet Potato Bread I have been wanting to do for along time. I normally buy it down the road at the local shop. It really has an amazing  texture and flavour and is just so easy to do.

  • 450 g sweet potatoes
  • 500 g all purpose flour
  • 200 ml warm water (+/-)
  • 10 g yeast
  • 50 g walnuts
  • Salt to taste

Peel and boil the sweet potatoes and mash, let them cool, then add the flour, salt, yeast and the warm water gradually, knead very well. Add more warm water if necessary. The dough should be slightly wetter then bread dough. The more you knead the better it gets. Let it rise in a warm place covered with a cloth, until it duplicates volume. Add chopped walnuts.
Then divide the dough into 2 pieces, make the breads and let rise for another 15 to 20 minutes.
Bake in preheated oven at 220 deg C for about 30 to 35 minutes.

And what is better than freshly baked bread, straight out of the oven, smothered with Lurepak butter and a slice of Citron Preserve???  Can you taste it? 

While I was typing this out Captain Snott my secretary, watched carefully that I won't make any mistakes :):)


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